Our Mission

Klassy K-9 is dedicated to fostering a healthy and loving environment for your pet. Every decision we make puts your pet (and his or her best interest) at the center. It is our desire to partner with you in the care of your furry family members for life. We foster a clean, safe and loving environment for your pet.  We use the highest quality, all natural pet shampoos, moisturizers and conditioners that are specially formulated to meet your pet’s needs. A well-groomed pet is only the beginning. At Klassy K-9, we feel it is impotent to provide love and encouragement to your pet. Your dog’s comfort and well-being comes first.  Our concern for your pet’s well-being does not end with the in store service we provide. His or her experience in our salon is a top priority to us. However, we also want to partner with our clients to ensure a long healthy and happy life for these furry family members, and it does not end with your appointment. We want to help you meet all your pet’s needs at home as well. This includes advice and products for in home grooming needs, nutrition, emotional health and preventing medical issues.

We employ highly skilled certified grooming professionals. Ongoing growth and education is the standard for all employees. We strive to be the best in the industry. We refuse to settle for, “following the crowd” when it comes to pet care services. It is our goal stand apart from the crowd, setting the bar at platinum level service.

Come in and see the difference.

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